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This page contains answers to common questions handled by our support staff, along with some tips and tricks that we have found useful and presented here as questions.

Note: In these answers we will follow a few shorthand conventions for describing user-interface procedures. Key combinations will be presented like this: Ctrl+Alt+Delete, which means that you should press and hold down the Control key, the Alt key, and the Delete key at the same time. Menu selections will be presented like this: File->Open, which means that you should open the File menu, and then make the Open selection.

  1. How can I sign on to the Escrow or Title systems without using the mouse? 
  2. I don't have an Icon on my desktop for EOCS, How can I start the system ?
  3. When I select an office on the "Login" screen there are no offices shown. What do I do.. ?
  4. Our Office address has changed. How do I change all forms to print the new address.. ?
  5. When I try to print documents, the document generates but Microsoft Word disappears and doesn't display the document. How do I print the document ... ?
  6. How do I know what Version and Release number of the software is running on my computer ... ?

How can I sign on to the Escrow or Title systems without using the mouse ?

Once you have entered your name and password, you can select an office by pressing alt+down arrow. The available offices will display and you can select the office of your choice by using the upArrow or downArrow keys. When the office of your choice is selected press the enter key. To proceed to the next step press alt+O, and the welcome form will open.
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I don't have an Icon on my desktop for EOCS, How can I start the system ... ?

Click the START button on the lower left section of your desktop, select PROGRAMS, Choose EOCS and select the option you want. The system will start and ask you to sign on.
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When I select an office on the "Login" screen there are no offices shown. What do I do... ?

The Problem is that your network connection is not present or the location of your database was changed. If you have an internal support department that handles you network, call them, they may have changed some network settings and/or location of folders that may need to be reset. Also, the network may be down, and you need to make someone in your organization aware of the problem you are having. If AMI Technologies provides all your support, please call us or email our support staff and we will correct the problem for you.
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Our Office address has changed. How do I change all forms to print the new address ... ?

If you have the proper authorization, select SYSTEM MAINTENANCE from any of the Menus. Once you are on the SYSTEM menu, select Office Maintenance. Change your address and any other information that may be required. Close the form and LOGOFF. When you LOGIN again, all new information will take effect. We recommend that you run a sample form to make sure that the information was entered correctly, since this change will affect all users of the system. Also, make sure that all users LOGOFF and LOGIN again, in order to make the new information active.
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Wen I try to print documents the document generates, but Microsoft Word doesn't display the document. How do I print the document ... ?

If everything was working fine before, and this problem just started, chances are that the location where EOCS or TOCSYS expects Microsoft Word to be, has changed. Contact your support department and ask if anything was changed. If you determine that Word is in a new location, select SYSTEM MAINTENANCE from any Menu and  Office Maintenance, click on the browse button by the "Word Path" field and select the folder where Microsoft Word is located. The new location will be shown on the Word Path field. Close the form and LOGOFF and LOGIN. The new location of Word will be active. Notify other users, so they can LOGOFF and LOGIN, to make the new location active. If AMI Technologies does your support, please call or email and we will be happy to resolve the problem for you.
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How do I know what Version and Release number of the software is running on my computer ... ?

There are two ways. First, if you are on the Welcome form that displays after you Login, the Version and Release number will be shown on the top left of your screen. If you are in any Menu, click the ABOUT button, and information about the system will be displayed.
It is very common for our support department to ask for this information when attempting to diagnose a problem.
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Copyright © 2000 AMI Technologies, Inc
Last modified: February 12, 2003